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Educational Resources

Online Resources

The Pleasant Valley School District values the ease of access to information and materials that help parents/guardians support their children. On the Pleasant Valley School District website ( you can find district information including the school calendar, policies, services, activities, and links to each of the schools in the district. Please also visit the Pleasant Valley School District Facebook (@PVBears) page to stay up-to-date on current events and news.  

Google Classroom

The district will be using Google Classroom as a Learning Management System (LMS).  This system allows for a one stop shop for all instructional materials.  Parents and students will have their own log-in credentials.  This system can be used to access instructional materials, announcements, grades and communication with the teacher.

Instructional Grouping and Student Placement

The Pleasant Valley School District rationale for grouping students is to create a classroom environment that is conducive to learning and teaching. Our goal is to maximize the use of instructional time and take into consideration that students learn from each other as well as from the teacher.  We always value information you may feel is important to the placement of your child; but cannot honor requests for specific teachers

The types of information you may want to share are: 

  • Health or medical needs

  • Family changes

  • Peer interactions

  • Specific social, emotional, or educational needs

  • Learning style

Please contact the School Counseling Department at the school your child(ren) will be attending to discuss or share this information. 


Homework is a vital part of the instructional process. It is designed to give your child the opportunity to practice learned skills independently. The amount of homework and the content is determined by the classroom teacher and will vary depending on the content area and grade. If your child has difficulty completing the assigned homework, or if you have any questions, please contact your child’s classroom teacher(s).