English Learners EL
The Pleasant Valley School District provides English Learner (EL) curriculum for our students that qualify. English learners are identified through a Home Language Survey at the time of registration. A screening process identifies students in need of EL support. At the Elementary/Intermediate level the EL program provides English Learners with a communication program in English that will enable them to fully participate in their educational experience in our schools, in their daily lives, and in our community. The objectives of our program include the following:
To develop basic interpersonal skills and cognitive academic language proficiency in English.
To develop proficiency in the language domains of speaking, listening, comprehension, reading, and writing from a whole language approach.
To develop competence in intercultural interactions.
To provide EL’s with opportunities to share their language and culture with their peers.
To encourage participation in the full range of instructional activities in the mainstream curriculum and extracurricular activities in the school.