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Resources for PVI

Academic Instruction 

Instructional Programs

Reading / Language Arts

It is the goal of the Pleasant Valley School District to provide students with rigorous instructional opportunities aligned with the Pennsylvania Core Standards. The first component of our Language Arts Program is reading instruction.  Our reading instruction is delivered using the Units of Study for Teaching Reading in a workshop model.  This model provides the ideal opportunity for students to be matched with books on their appropriate reading level, while also being given the authority to choose books based on their interest. A word study component is also incorporated into the reading instruction. The Reading Workshop Model offers a simple and predictable framework for teaching strategies and for giving students feedback while they are in the midst of their ever-changing, complex reading work.

The second component of our Language Arts program is writing instruction. Writing instruction is delivered using the Units of Study for Teaching Writing in a workshop model.  This model is composed of a mini-lesson, student writing, conferences and share time during which students share their writing.  The writing component also incorporates vocabulary and grammar instruction. 

Within the Language Arts Program, our highly differentiated instruction targets specific student needs based on diagnostic assessment data and classroom performance. Every student is given a benchmark screening assessment three times per school year. This is designed to be used in conjunction with classroom performance and ongoing assessment to help teachers and school administrators identify each student's instructional needs. 


The Pleasant Valley Intermediate school implements the Ready Classroom series by Curriculum Associates. This instruction is designed to meet the needs of all students while aligning with the Pennsylvania Core Standards. 

Within the Math Program, our highly differentiated instruction targets specific student needs based on diagnostic assessment data and classroom performance. Through iReady, every student is given a benchmark assessment three times per school year. This is designed to be used in conjunction with classroom performance and ongoing assessment to help teachers and school administrators identify each student's instructional needs. 

Eight Practices of Mathematics

  1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. 

  2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.

  3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. 

  4. Model with mathematics.

  5. Use appropriate tools strategically.

  6. Attend to precision.

  7. Look for and make use of structure.

  8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.


Science instruction at Pleasant Valley Intermediate reflects the Next Generation Science Standards and the Pennsylvania Department of Education Framework in the study of Life, Physical, Earth and Space Sciences as well as Technology. During their studies, students will engage in practices to deepen not only content knowledge but also the application of the learning in an inquiry and experiential based learning environment using the following:

Eight Practices of Science and Engineering:

  1. Asking questions (for science) and defining problems (for engineering)

  2. Developing and using models

  3. Planning and carrying out investigations

  4. Analyzing and interpreting data

  5. Using mathematics and computational thinking

  6. Constructing explanations (for science) and designing solutions (for engineering)

  7. Engaging in argument from evidence

  8. Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information  

Social Studies

The overall goal of the Social Studies program is for students to achieve a greater understanding of themselves and others in the global society we live in. This instruction occurs through the content and process delivered in Social Studies class and through reading and writing in the core Reading/Language Arts program. All social studies instruction aligns with the “Big Ideas” identified in Pennsylvania Core Standards.  

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