Ms Julie Romanisko - 4th
Welcome Message: In order for students to be successful, they must first feel comfortable at and connected to school. Our goal is for the school counseling office to be a welcoming and comfortable place for students and parents to discuss problems, voice concerns, and/or just spend time!
Biography: Ms. Romanisko has been a school counselor in the Pleasant Valley School District since 1997. She has worked with grades kindergarten through 7th grade. Prior to working for the district, Ms. Romanisko worked for the county mental health agency as a caseworker. She graduated from Penn State with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology and a Masters degree in Counseling Education. Ms. Romanisko says, “The best part of being a school counselor is working directly with the students; especially during small groups. I enjoy getting to know as many of the students at PVI as possible, so I get out to visit classrooms and be in the hallways as much as possible.”