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What Happens in the Health Room

  1. Students need to obtain permission from school staff to go to the health room except in an emergency. 
  2. Upon entering the health room, all students with illnesses, injuries, or medication needs will be assessed and care given based on the priority of their complaint. Medical emergencies will take priority.
  3. After evaluation by the nurse, the following will occur.
  1. The problem will be treated and the student will return to class.
  2. The student will rest and return to class if condition improves.
  3. Parent(s)/guardian(s) will be contacted by the nurse about the illness or injury and a decision will be made if the student will return to class or go home. Reasons a student may need to be sent home include fever over 100℉, vomiting, diarrhea 3 times in the day, severe injury, a contagious condition, or illness at the nurse's discretion. In the event that the illness or injury requires medical care, it is the responsibility of the parent(s)/guardian(s) to arrange for further care. 
  4. The student may have an infection or condition which is contagious (e.g. , pinkeye, scabies, ringworm, chicken pox, impetigo, or head lice).  If this happens, the student will be sent home and a physician’s note may be required for the student to return to school.  If a physician’s note is not required, the nurse may require the parent/guardian to bring the student to school for the school nurse to check prior to returning to school.  The nurse will inform the parent(s)/guardian(s) of the specific requirement for return to school.  
  1. Injuries that happen at home should be taken care of at home.  If the student is seen in the health room for home injuries, the nurse will provide care based upon the complaint.