Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)
We need parent volunteers to support the success of the school community. The PTO is a parent/guardian volunteer organization that provides an opportunity for the home, school, and community to work together for our children. In the past, the PTO has provided our students with playground equipment, books for the school library, technology, school-wide and classroom celebrations, Holiday Shoppe, school store, and various after-school social events for both students and families. Additionally, many individuals generously volunteer their time to tutor students and assist with special events at school.
Volunteer Information Link to Human Resources
Individual schools also hold monthly PTO meetings. Check your school calendar for dates and times of PTO meetings at each school. All parents/guardians are encouraged to attend the meetings at their child’s(ren’s) school. Your attendance at these meetings is important both to learn about what is going on in our schools and to provide support to the children. Any and all parents are welcome to come and give their support. Please contact your child’s(ren’s) classroom teacher or the main office of your child’s(ren’s) school to sign up to volunteer.
For more information, see Board Policy No. 916.
Meet your PVI PTO
President - Marianne Livingston
Vice President - We are in need of a VP! Please attend a meeting to help out!
Treasurer - Staci Gower
Secretary - Lexix Calderon
Recording Secretary - Ashley Vacca